How do young photographers, videographers, artists and sound engineers break into the world of Content Creation? The Youth Content Collective (YCC) partnering on your Communications strategy of course!

A major challenge for young South Africans looking to break into the industry is that if they don’t have access to the right design schools or get an early break, they do not have the opportunity to build up portfolios that allow them to showcase their talent.

As a consulting team in the fields of communications, content creation and Public Relations (PR), we are constantly looking for projects where we can give young people the opportunities to build their portfolios and “evidence of success” – for this reason, we love working with the team from the Youth Content Collective (YCC).

This innovative project built in conjunction with the Youth Employment Service (YES) has given hundreds of young creatives across the country the chance to build up a track record and work with leading brands.

Not only do the youth from the Youth Content Collective (YCC) get the opportunity to build up a track record in Communications, Sound Engineering, Photography and Videograpyhy they are able to bolster their salaries by picking up “gig” revenue which means they can then invest in more equipment or tools for future projects.

In this interview, Ane Bresler – who heads up our Investor Communications team – chats to Sicelo Khoza about the history of the “Collective” and how organisations can partner with them.

Ane Bresler finds out more about the work of the Youth Content Collective (YCC)

We regularly utilise the Youth Content Collective (YCC) as part of projects that we work on including this video interview series that we hosted at Leaderex 2023 and are very impressed with the talent that is out there.

If you would like to discuss partnering with YCC on projects, please do not hesitate to contact us.