We have made a commitment to support small and mid-cap businesses listed on the JSE and Cape Town Stock Exchange (CTSE) to connect with stakeholders and share their stories.

In our latest “Meet The Management” podcast, our CEO Marc Ashton speaks to Warren and Tatum Wheatley from JSE-listed Altvest and asks for an update on their latest venture which seeks to offer investors exposure to Venture Capital opportunities in China.

The Altvest team:

  • Provide us with an update on their experience on the JSE
  • Discuss the importance of stakeholder communication and raising awareness amongst analysts and the broader investment community
  • Unpack the “why” and “how” of their proposed new venture offering access to investment opportunities in Chinese venture capital
  • Discuss the question: “Is Altvest trying to be all things to all people”

To find out more about the Altvest Orient Opportunities Fund – please click here.
Should you wish to find out more about participating in “Meet The Management” – please e-mail marc@decusatio.co.za

DISCLOSURE: Interviewer holds minority equity exposure (Under R10 000) in Altvest, Altvest A, Altvest B and Altvest Credit Opportunities fund

#Altvest #JSE #VenturCapital #Riscura #InvestorCommunications